

Certified Space Technology Specialist (STS certificate)

The educational portal for space science and technology offers this scientific certificate of subspecialties in the field of satellite technologies and its subsystems, where you can obtain specialized information that enables you to master these systems and techniques, which makes you eligible to work or complete your studies in this specialization. This certificate also includes many disciplines. Such as structural engineering, power distribution, communications engineering, space payload, and others on which the satellite system is built for space missions.

9 - Thermal control Subsystem in Satellites Online Course Using Thermal Desktop Software, Licensed to EgSA.

By the end of the course the student will have demonstrated the ability to: • Specify the most suitable components for the design. • How to make thermal design/control for the satellite. • Use software to simulate and test the design. Details

10 - Satellite Electrical Power Subsystem Online Course.

This course introduces different topologies used to design satellite power subsystem as direct energy transfer and maximum power point tracking technique. Details

11 - Satellite Payload Subsystem Online Course Using Opticstudio Zemax Software, Licensed to EgSA.

This course will shed the light on understanding more about this specific payload in order to comply with the mission requirements. Details

12 - Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem Online Course Using FreeFlyer Software.

This course gives an illustration of the physical concepts and functions of AOCS devices such as sensors and actuators is exhibited. Details

13 - Satellite Communication, Telemetry Tracking and Command Subsystems Online Course.

This course will provide an understanding of the communication subsystem functions, Digital communication techniques used on the digital data. It talks about the different techniques of error detection and corrections. Communication data protocols and interfaces used in the communication satellites. Finally, it describes the followed techniques in the security of the communication system. Details

14 - Satellite On-Board Computer Subsystem Online Course Using Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Software.

The desired course focused on satellite on-board computer design, on-board software design. Details

15 - Using Artificial intelligence in space imaging systems and its applications Online Course.

This course has been prepared to Understand the big picture of AI for satellite imaging, Download and explore the required dataset for your application, Design AI models using Machine learning and neural networks, Process the data using different AI techniques, and Evaluate the AI model to get the best performance. The nature of the space and satellite industry presents a quintessential use-case for AI. Essentially, virtually all space activities and ventures constitute for AI engineering. Indeed, AI is ripe for use in Earth orbit activities like active debris removal and other deep space research exploration Details

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