

Pricing and Plans

Id Courses / Certificates Names Standard Prices Discounted Prices per person for private, academic, and governmental trainees Special Cases Courses Durations
Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Approximate studying time Allowed duration Free Duration Extension
1 Introduction to Space Engineering and Satellite Mission Online Course
ع مقدمة في هندسة الفضاء ومهمة الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 8 Days 12 Days
2 Introduction to Space Environment & Its effect on Satellite Systems Online Course
ع مقدمة في البيئة الفضائية وتأثيرها على أنظمة الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 9 Days 12 Days
3 Introduction to Satellite Systems Engineering Online Course
ع مقدمة في هندسة نظم الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
4 Introduction to Orbital Mechanics Online Course
ع مقدمة في ميكانيكا المدرات
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 6 Days 12 Days
5 Introduction to satellite subsystems Online Course
ع مقدمة في النظم الفرعية للأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 8 Days 12 Days
6 Introduction to Satellite’ Assembly, Integration, and Testing Online Course
ع مقدمة في تجميع وتكامل واختبار أنظمة الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 6 Days 12 Days
7 Space Project Management and Planning Online Course
ع ادارة وتخطيط مشروعات الفضاء
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 6 Days 12 Days
Certified Space Science And Technology Supervisor (Includes courses No 1 to 7 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)
ع شهادة مشرف معتمد في علوم وتكنولوجيا الفضاء SSTS
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 50 Days 84 Days + 10 Days
8 Satellite Structure Design and Mechanical Components Online Course Using ANSYS, ANSTRAN, NX Software
ع تصميم هياكل الأقمار الصناعية والمكونات الميكانيكية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
9 Thermal control Subsystem in Satellites Online Course Using Thermal Desktop Software, Licensed to EgSA.
ع نظام التحكم الحراري في الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
10 Satellite Electrical Power Subsystem Online Course.
ع النظام الفرعي للطاقة الكهربائية للأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
11 Satellite Payload Subsystem Online Course Using Opticstudio Zemax Software, Licensed to EgSA.
ع النظام الفرعي لحمولة الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
12 Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem Online Course Using FreeFlyer Software.
ع النظام الفرعي لتوجيه الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
13 Satellite Communication, Telemetry Tracking and Command Subsystems Online Course.
ع اتصالات الأقمار الصناعية وتتبع القياس عن بعد وأنظمة الأوامر الفرعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 8 Days 12 Days
14 Satellite On-Board Computer Subsystem Online Course Using Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Software.
ع نظام الحوسبة على متن القمر الصناعي
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
15 Using Artificial intelligence in space imaging systems and its applications Online Course.
ع استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في أنظمة التصوير الفضائي وتطبيقاته.
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 8 Days 12 Days
Certified Space Technology Specialist (Includes courses No 8 to 15 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)
ع شهادة أخصائي معتمد فى تكنولوجيا الفضاء STS
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 58 Days 96 Days + 10 Days
16 Ground Reception Management Online Course Using Ground Reception Software.
ع إدارة محطات الاستقبال الأرضي
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 7 Days 12 Days
17 Satellite Flight Control Center Online Course Using Satellite In Flight Software.
ع مركز مراقبة الأقمار الصناعية
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 6 Days 12 Days
18 Introduction to Satellite Ground Control Station (GCS) design Online Course Using Ground Control Station Software.
ع مقدمة لتصميم محطة التحكم الأرضية للأقمار الصناعية (GCS)
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 6 Days 12 Days
Space Operation Control & Management Specialist (Includes courses No 16 to 18 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)
ع شهادة أخصائي التحكم في عمليات الفضاء وإدارتها SOCMS
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 19 Days 36 Days + 10 Days
Special Offer 1 Cert.1 + Cert.2 + ($40 saving/person + 10 days Free Extention) Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 108 Days 180 Days + 10 Days
Special Offer 2 Cert.1 + Cert.2 + Cert.3 + ($50 saving/person + 20 days Free Extention) Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us 127 Days 216 Days + 20 Days

1 Introduction to Space Engineering and Satellite Mission Online Course
ع مقدمة في هندسة الفضاء ومهمة الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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2 Introduction to Space Environment & Its effect on Satellite Systems Online Course
ع مقدمة في البيئة الفضائية وتأثيرها على أنظمة الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

3 Introduction to Satellite Systems Engineering Online Course
ع مقدمة في هندسة نظم الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

4 Introduction to Orbital Mechanics Online Course
ع مقدمة في ميكانيكا المدرات

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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5 Introduction to satellite subsystems Online Course
ع مقدمة في النظم الفرعية للأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

6 Introduction to Satellite’ Assembly, Integration, and Testing Online Course
ع مقدمة في تجميع وتكامل واختبار أنظمة الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

7 Space Project Management and Planning Online Course
ع ادارة وتخطيط مشروعات الفضاء

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

Certified Space Science And Technology Supervisor (Includes courses No 1 to 7 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)
ع Certified Space Science And Technology Supervisor (Includes courses No 1 to 7 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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8 Satellite Structure Design and Mechanical Components Online Course Using ANSYS, ANSTRAN, NX Software
ع تصميم هياكل الأقمار الصناعية والمكونات الميكانيكية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

9 Thermal control Subsystem in Satellites Online Course Using Thermal Desktop Software, Licensed to EgSA.
ع نظام التحكم الحراري في الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

10 Satellite Electrical Power Subsystem Online Course.
ع النظام الفرعي للطاقة الكهربائية للأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

11 Satellite Payload Subsystem Online Course Using Opticstudio Zemax Software, Licensed to EgSA.
ع النظام الفرعي لحمولة الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

12 Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem Online Course Using FreeFlyer Software.
ع النظام الفرعي لتوجيه الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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13 Satellite Communication, Telemetry Tracking and Command Subsystems Online Course.
ع اتصالات الأقمار الصناعية وتتبع القياس عن بعد وأنظمة الأوامر الفرعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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14 Satellite On-Board Computer Subsystem Online Course Using Eclipse IDE for C/C++ Software.
ع نظام الحوسبة على متن القمر الصناعي

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

15 Using Artificial intelligence in space imaging systems and its applications Online Course.
ع استخدام الذكاء الاصطناعي في أنظمة التصوير الفضائي وتطبيقاته.

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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Certified Space Technology Specialist (Includes courses No 8 to 15 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)
ع Certified Space Technology Specialist (Includes courses No 8 to 14 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

16 Ground Reception Management Online Course Using Ground Reception Software.
ع إدارة محطات الاستقبال الأرضي

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

17 Satellite Flight Control Center Online Course Using Satellite In Flight Software.
ع مركز مراقبة الأقمار الصناعية

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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18 Introduction to Satellite Ground Control Station (GCS) design Online Course Using Ground Control Station Software.
ع مقدمة لتصميم محطة التحكم الأرضية للأقمار الصناعية (GCS)

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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Space Operation Control & Management Specialist (Includes courses No 16 to 18 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)
ع Space Operation Control & Management Specialist (Includes courses No 15 to 17 + Online Exams Fees + Certificates + Free Support)

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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Cert.1 + Cert.2 + ($40 saving/person + 10 days Free Extention)

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
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Cert.1 + Cert.2 + Cert.3 + ($50 saving/person + 20 days Free Extention)

Single Person 25% Discount (Groups from 3 to 10 trainees) 40% Discount (Groups more than 10 trainees) Special Cases
Show Prices Show Prices Show Prices contact us

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