

Introduction to Satellite’ Assembly, Integration, and Testing Online Course

Course Contents

This course aims to introduce an introduction to the Systems of the assembly, integration, and testing centre (AITC), talks about the various systems inside canter and the Environmental requirements of an AIT workshop. AITC environmental requirements, an introduction to assembly and integration activities, Introduction of satellite assembly, Satellite inspection, assembly and design the processes and Mechanical Ground Support Equipment (MGSE). An introduction to Alignment measurement system and introduction to Mass Property measurement system, the purpose of these measurements and the system equipment. An introduction to Thermal Vacuum Test system, purpose of the test, thermal space environment and test equipment. An introduction to Dynamic test system, test purpose and system equipment. An introduction to Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) test laboratory, EMC definition, purpose of test implementation and system equipment.



Lecture 1 : Introduction To the Systems Of (AITC) Free

Introduction To the Systems Of (AITC)

Lecture 2 : introduction to Satellite Assembly and Integration Activities

introduction to Satellite Assembly and Integration Activities

Lecture 3 : Satellite Assembly Ground support Equipment

Satellite Assembly Ground Support Equipment

Lecture 4 : introduction to Mass Property and Alignment Measurement system

introduction to Mass Property and Alignment Measurement system

Lecture 5 : Introduction to Satellite thermal Vacuum Test part (1)

Introduction to Satellite thermal Vacuum Test part (1)

Lecture 6 : Introduction to Satellite thermal Vacuum Test part (2)

Introduction to Satellite thermal Vacuum Test part (2)

Lecture 7 : Introduction to satellite Dynamic test System

Introduction to satellite Dynamic test System

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