

Introduction to satellite subsystems Online Course

Course Contents

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Satellite Missions

This course gives a basic introduction for the different satellite subsystems, each subsystem is considered as the basic building block for a complete satellite system, the subsystems discussed during the course are the attitude determination and control subsystem which is responsible for orienting the satellite, the structure subsystem in which encloses all the subsystems and integrates them together, the communication subsystem which is responsible for communicating with the ground station, the on-board computer subsystem which is considered as the central brain for all subsystems, the payload subsystem which is the utility that performs the mission that the satellite is sent to the space for, the thermal control subsystem which protects the satellite and its components from the large variety of extreme cold and hot temperatures, finally the power subsystem which is responsible for giving the electrical power to all the subsystems that require electrical power


Lecture 1 : Introduction to Satellite Subsystems Quick Overview Free

Introduction to Satellite Subsystems Quick Overview

Lecture 2 : Satellite Structures

Satellite Structures

Lecture 3 : Telemetry, Tracking and commanding Subsystem (TT&C)

Telemetry, Tracking and commanding Subsystem (TT&C)

Lecture 4 : Introduction To OBC

Introduction To OBC

Lecture 5 : Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem

Satellite Attitude Determination and Control Subsystem

Lecture 6 : Electrical Power Subsystem

Electrical Power Subsystem

Lecture 7 : Introduction To Satellite payload In Remote Sensing

Introduction To Satellite payload In Remote Sensing

Lecture 8 : Introduction To Thermal Control Subsystem

Introduction To Thermal Control Subsystem

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